
Complaints for transport damage

 It is very important that all damages due to transport, visible on the product packaging, are immediately reported to the courier that delivers the shipment. The buyer is obliged to report any damage in transport within 24 hours from the receipt of the goods.

If you notice such damage, do not sign the receipt of the item or ask the courier to wait until you check if the damage of the packaging has caused a damage to the product itself or loss of parts.  If the product is not damaged, and all parts are in number, sign the receipt of the item.  

Complaints on data or wrong type of goods

If you have received the shipment, and after opening the box found out that the delivered goods did not match the order or the data on the account were inappropriate, please contact us by phone, or send an e-mail with your data (name, last name, phone number) no later than 24 hours after the receipt of the shipment, and describe what kind of problem you have.  In accordance with the situation, we will take the necessary steps. In the shortest possible time, we will respond to the declared complaint electronically (by e-mail) by confirming the receipt of the complaint, or by announcing the number under which your complaint is recorded in the records of the received complaints and we will inform you of further action.  The deadline for responding to the complaint is 8 days, and for the settlement of the complaint 15 days from the moment of its registration.  

Download the complaint sheet HERE.

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